Miniature Sensors

Our miniature reed sensor series have glass lengths ranging from 7-14mm. Aside from being miniature, SMD sensors draw no power in their normally open state. And with power critical applications on the rise. It’s no wonder reed sensors are some of the most sought after in the industry. Furthermore, their miniature size make them ideal in critical areas for miniaturization. Which are the electronic and semiconductor equipment testing market and medical devices. But they are also heavily used in test equipment, telecommunications, security, automotive, appliances, industrial, among other markets.

Basic technical specifications*
Reed Sensors Serie
Contact Form
Operating Range
Rated Power Max. (W)
MK24 1A (N.O.); 1B (N.C.) 5 – 25 AT 10
MK17 1A (N.O.) 10 – 40 AT 10
MK22 1A (N.O.) 10 – 30 AT 20
MK23 1A (N.O.); 1C (Changeover) 10 – 60 AT 100
MK16 1A (N.O.) 10 – 60 AT 10
MK20/2 ø2,7 x 7,5 1A (N.O.) 10 – 30 AT 3
MK20/1 3 x 10 1A (N.O.) 10 – 60 AT 10
MK10 1A (N.O.) 10 – 40 AT 10
MK06 1A (N.O.) 10 – 60 AT 10

* Complete technical specifications can be found in the contact series data sheet

  • N.O. – Normally Open
  • N.C. – Normally Close